Ruchi Kumar

Freelancing For International Media

This week we will have Ruchi Kumar as our guest at the Women Working Group online on May 3rd at 5 pm and at the Storytelling Lab on May 4th at 5 pm at Postane, Istanbul.


The subject of both sessions are: Working as a Freelance Journalist For International Media.


Within the Working Group for Female Journalists from Afghanistan, Ruchi will focus on the role of women in the international media context and how you as an independent woman journalist can pitch your stories and media products to international media outlets.


Within the Storytelling Lab, Ruchi will discuss the pitching process and what it needs to be successful when promoting your work. She will show how to develop themes and how to pitch them to Foreign Media. She will answer important questions like: How was the theme development done? Do you pitch before you produce? How is the production organized and what steps are needed?


The Participants are going to develop, pitch and produce their own stories in written texts and photos.


Working Group for Female Journalists: 3rd of May 2024, 5 pm – 7 pm, online

Zoom Meeting

Meeting-ID: 879 5704 2087

Kenncode: 900606


Storytelling Lab: 4th of May 2024, 5 pm – 7 pm, venue: Postane

Since we can have only a limited number of 10 participants at Postane, we would like to ask you kindly to register if you would like to physically participate in Postane. Otherwise, you can also take part online.


If you want to come to Postane, please email us to register until Friday noon, May 3rd:


The session is also accessible via Zoom.


Zoom Meeting

Meeting-ID: 879 5704 2087

Kenncode: 900606


Please be advised that photographs and videos will be taken at the events for use on our website and in the press, our marketing materials, and all other publications. By entering the events, you consent to the photographing, filming and using your image and likeness.


Ruchi Kumar


After working as a journalist in India for four years, Ruchi Kumar relocated to Kabul searching for fresh stories to tell. She worked as the Digital Managing Editor for an online citizen journalism platform in Afghanistan. She started independent reporting in 2016 after supporting community-based journalism for a year and a half.


Having worked majorly in the online media, she specializes in digital and multimedia storytelling. In India, she worked two years at The Times of India, one of India’s largest media houses, juggling between print and online. Later, she moved to Zee Media as a web producer for their print property DNA (Daily News and Analysis) working on politics, especially the parliamentary elections of 2014 in India.


She has some experience working in the development sector—specifically, in child rights, and is a post-graduate in Human Rights from the Indian Institute of Human Rights.


“In my writings, I often try to explore a world beyond conflict, and focus on post-conflict development. I particularly enjoy writing in-depth, research narratives as well as investigative pieces.” – Ruchi


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