
Mitwa Kabir – Afghan Literature
Besides, her journalistic activities, Mitwa Kabir has three published books in the field of children’s literature. One of her short stories named Gunjeshkak Telayee (Golden Sparrow) is an award-winning piece which was selected as the best short story for children among 260 nominees.

Walk Through Memento
Live-streaming of a walk through the Memento exhibition on Saturday, November 23 with Sabine Küper-Büsch, Kabir Mokamel and Nimad Rawan at the Ioakimion Girls High School.

Phoenix with ArtLords
Artist Kabir Mokamel (ArtLords) createed a Mural for the Memento Festival at Ioakimion Girls High School. The motive was developed in cooperation with artists in different countries on the Kite Runner Platform since August.

Shakiba Nazari: The Story Of My Life
Video-Portrait of Shakiba Nazari. She is an Afghan women’s- and human rights activist in exile in France. She is one of the authors of the Kite Runner media hub.

Zholia Parsi: The Taliban’s prisons are like Hell
By Somaia Valizadeh Zholia Parsi and her son spent three months in Taliban prison On September 27, 2023, the Taliban intelligence organization raided the

Echoes of Independence
By Zuhal Faizy Translation by Shahzad Mudasir Echoes of Independence: Reflections on a Lost Homeland The sun has raised its golden skirt

The Istanbul based association Diyalog in cooperation with the
International Media Support (IMS) started in August 2022 the Kite
Runner activities in Istanbul. 2024 the program continued with language courses, film screenings, a digital storytelling lab, a working group for women journalists and much more.
Digital Storytelling

Crossmedia Lab – Recording
Legal and practical advice on how to life in Turkey as a freelance migrant in Turkey: possibility how to settle temporary as a freelancer in Turkey, how to set up your exemption from the work permit and how to obtain a possibility as freelance journalist when based in Turkey.

Happy New Year
The Kite-Runner team wishes a Happy New Year and expresses its gratitude to all those who participated in the Kite-Runner program in 2024 and supported our activities.

Sand Castles
Shakiba Nazari and Marjan Wafa got selected to participate in “Sand Castles”. An exhibition at Merkezkaç Art collective in Dıyarbakır. Based on the concepts
Working Group for Women Journalists

My Burka and Me
Dr. Huda Hashimi performs during the Event, “New Voices from Afghanistan”, 29.11.24, at the Yuvakimyon Greek Girls School during the Mahalla Festival Memento. She puts herself in the shoes of a teenager who doesn’t understand why she has to wear the burka.

Shakiba Nazari: The Story Of My Life
Video-Portrait of Shakiba Nazari. She is an Afghan women’s- and human rights activist in exile in France. She is one of the authors of the Kite Runner media hub.

Neda Perwani: They Can’t Silence Us
The Taliban is taking semi-naked and naked photos and videos of imprisoned women who are vocal human rights defenders.

Funding Opportunities for Afghan Journalists
Funding offers journalists a wide range of opportunities to grow as media professionals, gain reporting experience, publish projects, and be recognized for remarkable work.

Restart – Empower Women Media- Shakila Ebrahimkhil
Short interview by Somaia Valizadeh with Shakila Ibrahimkhalil in Germany about her time in Afghanistan and her move to Germany.

Maryam Soltani
Women are deprived from Healthcare by the Ban on Female Students A report by Selsela Imamzadeh Maryam Soltani was a medical student at Khatam