Hey I am Jawad Jalali a Photo Journalist from Kabul
Photojournalism has been my passion since a very early age. I also founded Afghanistan’s first multimedia agency in 2010 under the name of Afghan Eyes Multimedia Agency. Providing media services for NGOs, foreign embassies, national and international magazines, and media trainings for over 400 Afghan women and men in different provinces of the country.

Work Experiences
1989, born in Kabul, Afghanistan, I graduated from Anwar-Bismel high school in 2005, university in 2010, and secured a Master degree in Business Administration on 2023. Right after the end of the Taliban regime in 2001, I got accepted to be part of the second generation of students at the Aina Media and Cultural Center. I started media work for different international humanitarian and non-profit organizations. I was the resident photojournalist for UNAMA (2008-2010), as well as working as a media monitor for the Mission. My latest photographic and academic project includes a fellowship to be part of the Master Class in Photojournalism with Master Photographer Tim Page organized by United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan and UNDP Elect. I was one of the six young Afghan photojournalists selected to study photojournalism in advance and cover the 2009 Afghanistan Elections and Peace Day Activities.
My Mission
Through Afghan Eyes Agency, I have served and completed media projects for WHO (World Health Organization), UNICEF, ADB (Asian Development Bank), EUPOL (European Police Mission in Afghanistan), DW-German news outlet, foreign embassies and dozens of foreign journalists. I have worked as a photojournalist for AFP (Agency France Press), AP (Associated Press), and as chief photographer for EPA (European PressPhoto Agency) in Afghanistan. His recent work was in exile at TRT (Turkish Radio Television) as a news gatherer and live telecast translator in Istanbul.
My work has been shown in different countries and international organizations venues and activities such as the Peace Day Events, Woman’s Day, Daily Life, Drug problems, Afghanistan development, (HeadOn Photo Festival) Australia (Awarded Best Photo Of 2010), Tbilisi Photo Festival In Georgia, Women, Daily Life Photo Exhibition, Afghanistan Environmental Photo Exhibition – Frankfort, Germany, Inter-Art” Foundation, Photo Exhibition in United Nation HQ, New York, Second Kabul Photo Biennale Photo Exhibition by UNESCO, Afghanistan Photography Exhibition – UN HQ – New York.
My works have been published in different publications and media agencies like the Washington Post, World Photo, CNN, BBC, Aljazeera, UN publications, War Change, Lens Magazine, New York Times Magazine, Wall Street Journal, New Internationalist Magazine, and many more. I will keep serving in media to be the voice of the people and reflect what is needed to be shown to the world.
Work Examples
Language Skills: Dari, Pashtu, Urdu, English, Turkish
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
External links: Afghan Security Forces – Interview with Jawad Jalali, Afghanistan by Asian Development Bank
Contact information: jawadjalali@yahoo.com